Ropes Course
Katie Frick, Wayzata High School, Physical Education, $19,000
In Their Own Words
I am hoping to accomplish updating the ropes course by replacing old wires and platforms and updating the current safety system so our students are able to continuing experiencing the ropes course at the High School. These updates will allow us to continue using the ropes course for years ahead and also bring our risk factor down. The new safety protocols that have come out in the past 15 years will greatly benefit our students and staff safety while participating on the ropes course. The ropes course is part of our Adventure Education curriculum and services all 9th grade adventure classes as well as our upperclassman Outdoor Pursuits class. This unit covers all 5 standards within our PE curriculum. With high school age students, our PE curriculum mainly focuses on meeting standard 4 and 5 benchmarks. Below are a few of the specific benchmarks that will be obtained by the ropes course:
“Participate in moderate to vigorous aerobic or muscle and bone strengthening physical activity several times per week”
“Apply Positive communication skills and strategies to the completion of a group task in a physical group activity setting”
“Solve programs and think critically in physical activity or dance settings both as an individual and in groups”
“Identify the opportunity for social support in a self-selected physical activity or dance”
Status: funded in May 2022. Fully in use for SY 2022-2023.